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A Bachelor of Science (BS) in English is an undergraduate program that focuses on the study of the English language, literature, and related disciplines. The degree program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of language structure, literature analysis, writing skills, critical thinking, and communication.
The program aims to equip learners with theoretical and practical tools to critically analyze various literary forms such as poetry, prose, drama, and creative non-fiction. Through research and writing courses, students acquire contemporary skills necessary to thrive in the digitized modern world. ICBS’s BS English program prepares students for intensive post-graduate research and literature practices.
Career Scope
A BS English degree provides graduates with versatile skills in communication, critical thinking, research, and writing. Here are some career paths that English graduates can pursue in various industries
Program Details
+923 111 777 222
Duration 4 Years
Total Program Fee: 735,000
First Semester Fee: 89,375
Registration Fee: 20,000
Semester fees can be paid in 3 installments
Admission Criteria:
12 years of education or equivalent to Intermediate.
Scheme of Studies
Introduction to Literature-I (History of English Literature)
Islamic Studies
Ethics (For Non-Muslims)
Introduction to Human Rights
Elements of Psychology-I
Introduction to Communication and Journalism
Introduction to Political Science
Pre-Socratic Thought
Micro Economics
History of Pakistan Movement (1857-1924)
(Choose Any One)
Academic Reading and Writing
Pakistan Studies
Introduction to Literature-II (Poetry & Drama)
Compulsory Mathematics
Elements of Psychology-II
Introduction to News Writing Techniques
Fundamentals of Political Science
Pre-Major Greek Philosophers
Macro Economics
History of Pakistan Movement (1924-1947)
(Choose Any One)
Communication Skills
Introduction to Literature-III (Fiction)
Introduction to Linguistics-I
Fundamental Psychology
Psychology of Adjustment
Mathematical Economics
History of Pakistan 1947-1969
Comparative Constitutions: Developed
Classical Muslim Philosophy-I
(Choose Any One)
Advanced Academic Reading and Writing
Introduction to Literature-IV(Prose)
Introduction to Linguistics-II
Computer Application
Psychology Minor
Economics of Pakistan
History of Pakistan 1969-1997
Comparative Constitutions: Developing-II
Classical Muslim Philosophy-II
(Choose Any One)
- Literary Criticism-I
- Introduction to Linguistics-III: Phonetics & English Phonology
- Poetry 14th to 18th Century
- Novel 18th to 19th Century
- Introduction to Research Methodology
- Literary Movements (20th Century)
- Literary Criticism-II
- Classics in Drama
- World Literature in English
- Romantic Poetry
- English Language Teaching (E.L.T)
- American Literature-I (Poetry & Novel)
- Psycholinguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Continental Drama
- Afro-American Literature
- American Literature-II (Drama)
- Introduction to Literature-IV: The Structure of English
- Modern Poetry
- Modern Novel
- Research Project/Internship Report
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Talk to our student admission advisor to discuss program scope and career opportunities in your chosen program.
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+923 111 777 222
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