
Alumni Stories

The Alumni community is a widespread network made up of 4 faculties and over 16,000 alumni in more than 100 countries worldwide.
This is where you can tell us what you want to hear about from your faculty, department. We want you to know that ICBS alumni community is here to support you.

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Alumni News

What’s happening in Alumni Network.

Global Alumni Events

Get connected to our global online community where you can build your network, find jobs and stay up-to-date with events and workshops.

Get connected to our global online community where you can
build your network, find jobs and stay up-to-date with events
and workshops.

Alumni Benefits

Exclusive benefits to fully alumni of the university including access journals and join ICBS clubs.

Alumni Network

Join engaged communities of like-minded professionals and explore networking opportunities.

Get Involved

Share your knowledge and experience with students by mentoring, guest speaking or offering work experience.

Find the right program for you.

Talk to our student admission advisor to discuss program scope and career opportunities in your chosen program.

Call Now

+923 111 777 222

For Advice

Visit campus between (9am – 6pm) Mon – Sat